# | Name | Released at |
79 | Asmus Tietchens - Biotop | 1981 |
56 | Asmus Tietchens - Spät-Europa | 1982 |
9 | Nocturnal Emissions - Songs of Love and Revolution | 1985 |
42 | Nocturnal Emissions - The World is My Womb | 1987-08-24 |
55 | Sleep Chamber - Sexmagick Ritual | 1987 |
5 | Nocturnal Emissions - Stoneface | 1989 |
35 | Werkbund - Aquis Submersus | 1989 |
61 | Nocturnal Emissions - Invocation of the Beast Gods | 1989 |
81 | STRAFE FÜR REBELLION - Vögel | 1989 |
11 | Sleep Chamber - Sirkle Zero | 1990 |
76 | Asmus Tietchens - Sinkende Schwimmer | 1991 |
30 | Asmus Tietchens - Seuchengebiete 2 | 1992 |
47 | Andromeda Complex - Be Kind With Your Executioner | 1994 |
37 | Bad Sector - Ampos | 1995 |
84 | Black Light District - A Thousand Lights in a Darkened Room | 1996 |
60 | Brume - Drafts Of Collisions | 1997-06 |
72 | Atrax Morgue - Slush of a Maniac | 1997-10 |
52 | Театр Яда - Моменты моря | 1997 |
59 | Tiermes - Tiermes | 1997 |
17 | Calva Y Nada - Schlaf | 1998-05-25 |
33 | Brume - Normal | 1998-08 |
18 | Bad Sector - Dolmen Factory | 1998 |
27 | Wejdas - Wejdas | 1998 |
29 | Bad Sector - Plasma | 1998 |
63 | Andromeda Complex - Last Traces Of Forsaken Worships | 1998 |
53 | Cyclobe - Luminous Darkness | 1999-02-17 |
87 | ELpH - Zwölf | 1999-12-00 |
39 | Brume - Krieg | 1999-12 |
85 | Grunt - Untitled Album | 1999 |
90 | T.A.C. - Waiting For The Twilight | 2000-00-00 |
92 | T.A.C. - Twilight Rituals | 2000-00-00 |
26 | Театр Яда - Лучевые машины | 2000 |
80 | T.A.C. - Splintered | 2000 |
4 | Cyclobe - The Visitors | 2001-11-20 |
57 | Vilkduja - Prieblanda. Ir žemės arbata | 2001 |
86 | Bad Sector - The Harrow | 2001 |
24 | Asmus Tietchens - Eisgang / Dämmerattacke | 2002 |
22 | Ô Paradis & Nový Svět - Entre siempre y jamas suben las mareas, duermen las ciudades | 2003 |
97 | Ô Paradis & Nový Svět - Siento Sensacion | 2003 |
31 | Henrik Nordvargr Björkk - I End Forever | 2004-07-01 |
25 | Wejdas - Zemes Alsavimas | 2004 |
28 | Театр Яда - Хруст Ос. Кирзовый Цветок | 2004 |
43 | Wejdas - Žemės Alsavimas | 2004 |
95 | Cold Warning - Substation 7 | 2004 |
67 | Tiermes - Malahvia | 2005-05-23 |
3 | Mind Necrosis Factor - Entropy | 2005-06-25 |
19 | Henrik Nordvargr Björkk - Vitagen | 2005-07-01 |
21 | Henrik Nordvargr Björkk - The Dead Never Sleep | 2005 |
49 | The Triple Tree - The Turning Wheel | 2005 |
48 | Alva Noto - For | 2006-06 |
2 | Nocturnal Emissions - Spiritflesh | 2006 |
7 | Agnivolok - Sculptor | 2006 |
74 | Театр Яда - 2006-В Истоке Обобщения - Окольцованный Круг (B-Sides) | 2006 |
68 | Alva Noto - Xerrox Vol.1 | 2007-03-16 |
75 | False Mirror - North | 2007-11-21 |
6 | False Mirror - Chronostatic Scenes | 2007 |
73 | Cercueil - Ghost Got Taosted | 2008-05-01 |
8 | Mind Necrosis Factor - Morphogenesis | 2008-05-26 |
77 | Mind Necrosis Factor - Noxious Art Will Never Die!!! (compil) | 2008-05-26 |
16 | The Triple Tree - Ghosts | 2008-09 |
44 | The Threshold Houseboys Choir - The Threshold Houseboys Choir: Amulet Edition | 2008-11-22 |
34 | Vilkduja - Vakar Duona | 2008 |
58 | Gerechtigkeits Liga - taken from 'Per Igem Ad Lucem' 2Lp, DVD, 7" in army boot bag. | 2008 |
91 | Alva Noto - Xerrox Vol. 2 | 2009-01-00 |
71 | Cercueil - Shoo Straight Shout | 2009-03-01 |
46 | The Large - Cabaret Obscure | 2009-05-30 |
94 | Tor Lundvall - Insect Wings, Leaf Matter & Broken Twigs: Early Ambient Recordings: 1991-1994 | 2009-06 |
66 | The Large - Лестница (Stairs) | 2009-07-10 |
65 | The Large - Вода (Water) | 2009-07-30 |
64 | Hoyland - Dance of the Twilight Stars | 2010-01-01 |
93 | Void Kampf - Severe Mais Juste | 2010-03-01 |
83 | Menace Ruine - Union of Irreconcilables | 2010-05-17 |
51 | False Mirror - Derelict World | 2010-10-07 |
1 | Cyclobe - Wounded Galaxies Tap at the Window | 2010-11-01 |
20 | Parhelion - Midnight Sun | 2010-12 |
100 | Embersreich - Stürme Für Ein Ende | 2010 |
23 | Cercueil - Erostrate | 2011-01-00 |
62 | ELpH - Free Trade EP | 2011-03-07 |
70 | Kaztalien - Woldsongs | 2011-10-28 |
10 | Therradaemon - Den Morke Munnens Sprak | 2011-12-21 |
32 | Therradaemon - Den Mørke Munnens Språk | 2011-12-21 |
15 | Vilkduja - Auštanti / Nušviesta | 2012-02-29 |
41 | Somnium Sanguis Caelestis - Veneno Astrum Draconis | 2012-03-10 |
96 | Darmstadt 1313 - Enigma | 2012-06-04 |
13 | Vilkduja - Viduje | 2012-06-27 |
38 | Cyclobe - Sulphur-Tarot-Garden | 2012-08-04 |
69 | Atrium Carceri & Eldar - Sacrosanct | 2012-08-07 |
12 | Menace Ruine - Alight in Ashes | 2012-10-02 |
45 | Kaztalien - Feral Field | 2012-11-24 |
98 | Lost Kadath - Monochromatic Regression | 2013-01-01 |
78 | Parhelion - Temples In Ice | 2013-03-31 |
89 | Aseptic Void - Carnal | 2013-05-04 |
14 | Kerridge - From The Shadows That Melt The Flesh 1-4 | 2013-06-28 |
36 | Arktau Aon - Ikuisuus Näkyy Luiden Läpi | 2013-09-10 |
40 | Kerridge - From the Shadows That Melt the Flesh | 2014-06-00 |
99 | Kaztalien - September October November | 2014-07-05 |
50 | Menace Ruine - Venus Armata | 2014-10-14 |
82 | Kaztalien - Атональные Сказки Пьяных Лесов | 2014-11-12 |
88 | Brume - The Dark Tapes | 2019-10-00 |
54 | letal ataraxia - News from ghost world | 2019-10-09 |